I’m Linda,
and I want to hear your story.
Life-Cycle Celebrant. Reinvention Coach.
Storyteller. Listener.
I’ve found my calling in life – helping people like you experience inspirational and healing moments through the power of ceremony and personal discovery.
I was born on Christmas Eve.
For some reason, people think this is cool but honestly, I had nothing to do with it.
I am a quintessential “Girlie Girl.”
Much to my anguish, as a little girl I was often mistaken for a little boy. Perhaps I’ve overcompensated.
Red wine and dark chocolate are the easiest ways to unlock my heart.
I am a connection junkie.
Someone once told me my middle name should be “Elmer” (as in “Elmer’s Glue.”)
My nickname is WrongWay.
But have no fear – GPS will get me to the ceremony on time!
Scotland is home to a piece of my heart.
Canada gave me wings but my roots are buried in Scotland.
Sounds cliché, but my Dad is my hero
I live in Toronto with my husband, and love spending time at the cottage with my four grown children and my sweet bichon, Bailey.

I am in love with stories.
Life stories, love stories, funny stories, sad stories…and celebrating the strength of human connection that these stories can bring. I also truly love guiding the exploration, empowerment, and transformation of YOUR story, so you can lead the life of joy, fulfillment and authenticity that you have always dreamed of.
For as long as I can remember, I have been organizing celebrations, designing ceremonies, and reinventing traditions. As a little girl, I would spend hours in my room, creating little rituals to help me find a place for my feelings to live. I have forever felt a need to mark and honour both life’s milestones and its simpler moments, to preserve them in my heart and the hearts of those I love.
I’ve always been a Celebrant at heart; since childhood I have been immersed in deathcare through my father’s business, where I served as an executive until 2016.
I have taken these experiences and built my expertise as a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant™, specializing in funerals and other milestone ceremonies. I have spent hundreds of hours studying ceremony creation and performance and perfecting the art of ceremonial public speaking—which I love.
After sitting in the homes of grieving families and listening to them tell the stories of their loved ones, it struck me that many of these people had spent their lives in the service of others, and hadn’t fully realized their own dreams. The sorrow and regret expressed by the family members when they described how their parent/relative/friend had abandoned their own goals… heartbreaking.
I knew then that not only did I want to honour people at the end of their life’s journey, I wanted to ensure that this journey was as fulfilling, authentic and true to their highest potential as possible. To really live, on their terms, with confidence, passion, and alignment.
This led me to certification in Reinvention Coaching.
I support and guide people through the ‘becoming’ process on their transformational path, to live a more authentic, connected and enriched life.
I offer a safe space to share feelings, rediscover a true essence of self and give my clients permission to discover what they truly want from life.
It is an incredible feeling to watch them step into their authenticity and experience real joy when they realize they are finally on the journey that they were destined for.
- I have received certifications in both wedding and funeral Celebrancy from the Celebrant Foundation & Institute, the leading educational organization training Celebrants in North America.
- I furthered my studies by obtaining an additional Funeral Celebrant certificate from the In-Sight Institute, a program widely recognized by funeral directors.
- I am licensed by the Province of Ontario to officiate at weddings.
- I’m a member of the Celebrant Foundation & Institute Canada-East Chapter. (Celebrant Ceremonies).
- I achieved certification as a Reinvention Coach through the Levin Life Coach Academy.
I bring to my work as a Celebrant, Reinvention Coach, and Speaker, decades of experience in sales and marketing, business management, nonprofit administration and, motherhood. In person, I service the Greater Toronto area and southern Ontario but online, can be anywhere in the world!


