A Romantic Riverside Wedding Ceremony at Cambridge Mill


Romantic Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

“Since our wedding, so many of our friends and family have told us that our wedding ceremony was the most beautiful ceremony they’ve ever witnessed. We couldn’t agree more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us our perfect ceremony, Linda!”

I SO love working with couples who value the ceremony experience on their wedding day. And from our first meeting, I knew that Katherine and Scott were one of those memorable couples – not to mention, they are crazy in love and cute as can be!

It was important to Scott and Katherine that their wedding ceremony was unique, fresh, and a true reflection of their personalities and relationship, while still including some classic wedding traditions.

Romantic Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

“The ceremony you wrote hit all the right notes – it struck the perfect balance between humour and romance, and still felt warm and intimate (even with 100+ guests!), which is exactly how we wanted it to feel. We couldn’t be happier with the way our ceremony came together, and are so grateful for your guidance, insight and support throughout the entire process.”

Upon arriving at The Cambridge Mill on a perfect autumn afternoon, I was immediately struck by its rustic warmth and charm. This 19th century restored mill was the perfect place for Katherine & Scott to say “I do.”

The ceremony took place in a gorgeous glass-encased chapel called “The Pavilion.” With breathtaking views of the Grand River, to add even more to the already incredible ambiance, as the sun set, the sky provided us with a stunning gift of colours.

Romantic Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

I believe the best ceremonies are ones that guests can be part of rather than just witness and when I met with Katherine and Scott, we discussed ways to make their friends and family feel included. It was important to them that everyone in attendance know how much their love, support and friendship means to them and a ring warming fit the bill perfectly. Katherine and Scott’s wedding rings were tied together with ribbon and passed among guests during the ceremony allowing everyone in attendance the opportunity to warm them with their love and best wishes.

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

“Now when Scott and I put on our wedding rings, we remember all the love we felt on our wedding day, not only for each other, but also from all our family and friends.”

You may have heard the expression “tying the knot” but did you know that the term actually comes from an ancient Celtic tradition called “handfasting” which symbolically joins the husband and wife?

Wonderfully close to their families, Katherine and Scott loved the idea of including them in the ceremony and handfasting was the perfect unity ritual to do just that. Each parent was given a coloured ribbon which represented their admired qualities and they were called up one-by-one to wrap their ribbon around the couple’s joined hands. Here’s what Katherine’s mother heard:

“Janet, the orange ribbon you hold represents social connections, communication and optimism. Katherine chose this colour for you because it represents your grace, kindness, and generous spirit. As your husband often says, you are the Galley family’s own Pollyanna – always looking at the bright side, and sharing your light with the people you love. Of all the compliments Katherine’s ever received, she is the most proud when someone tells her that she’s just like her mom.”

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

“Our parents were truly moved when you explained why we had chosen the specific colours to represent each of them, and it was nice to be able to include my brother in tying the final knot. The ribbons will hang in our house as a special reminder of our special wedding ceremony, and the first day of our new life and husband and wife.”

What a gorgeous wedding overflowing with warmth, connection and laughter. Scott and Katherine, I loved getting to know you, both as individuals and a couple, and I wish you a joyful life full of meaningful moments! Thank you for the honour and privilege of being part of your beautiful day. xo

Ceremony Officiant: Linda Stuart, Life-Cycle Celebrant
Wedding Photographer: Samantha Ong
Ceremony Venue: Cambridge Mill
Reception Venue: Cambridge Mill

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Wedding Ceremony - Linda Stuart Wedding Celebrant

Linda Stuart, Life-Cycle Celebrant in Toronto Ontario


Linda Stuart is a Life-Cycle Celebrant/Officiant and Speaker located in Toronto, Ontario. Specializing in funerals and weddings, Linda’s passion is bringing stories to life through meaningful ceremonies.

1 Comment

  1. Catherine Timmerman

    Is it possible to have the ceremony in the pavilion and not have the reception at Cambridge mill.



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