Goals And The Heart’s Intentions

Life's Journey


The New Year is often a time for setting goals and making resolutions. While I agree this practice can be useful, it can also be disheartening, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment.

The year 2017 was a bit like that for me. Beginning enthusiastically with my lofty list of goals ready to fulfil, I was overflowing with gusto and determination. But life had other plans and took me on a few unexpected and not terribly desirable journeys. While I attempted to flow with ease and accept that much of my time and energy was necessary elsewhere, those looming goals couldn’t help but impede my ability to be fully and completely present in the places I needed to be.

This morning, while blow-drying my hair (my version of meditation) and reflecting on 2017, I realized that while I didn’t tick off all the boxes I had planned, I did tick off many others that aligned with my values and stretched me in ways that only life experiences, both joyful and painful can do.

So I decided for 2018, instead of focusing solely on setting goals for the future, I’m also setting intentions to stay focused on the present while respecting and honouring the journey, wherever it may take me.

And because, to quote Deepak Chopra, “Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power,” I’m sharing them with you:

I intend to BREATHE through stress.
I intend to CONNECT deeply with those I love.
I intend to LISTEN to (and with) my heart.
I intend to HONOUR my body with meditation, exercise and rest.
I intend to UNDERSTAND those I do not understand.
I intend to LET GO of worry (this one is a B-I-G stretch but I’m gonna try anyway!)
And perhaps my most significant intention — to train my inner voice to extend the same kindness and compassion to myself that my outer voice extends to others.

So, what are YOUR intentions for 2018?






  1. Gabe Desousa

    I love this Linda! If you don’t mind having company…….I’m gonna join you in these intentions for 2018! I think you just started a beautiful ‘movement’. I’m in! xoxo Gabe

  2. Graham Burton

    Wonderful words in the midst of challenges of which come our way ,the progress of ones life comes when we take time out to listern to others and give our advice and expertise of what we have experienced. Some times we go with our heart in honour and understanding .Within our help to others we are special to that person.

  3. Blayne Stuart

    Your presence and officiating as a celebrant at a recent celebration of life of a close friend changed my impression grieving and connecting with the event and the people. Your talent and ability to redirect the normal energy of a funeral/ celebration of life to something positive is outstanding!
    It was a pleasure talking to you….

    Blayne Stuart


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