by Linda Stuart | Feb 1, 2017 | Funerals, Death, and Dying, Life's Journey
I have heard that writing a letter to someone who has died is helpful to the grief process and, while my mother is still very much alive, with every passing day, I mourn her loss. Over and over again, I am reminded, “It’s not her, it’s the disease.” And so, Dementia,...
by Linda Stuart | Jan 7, 2017 | Weddings
“Since our wedding, so many of our friends and family have told us that our wedding ceremony was the most beautiful ceremony they’ve ever witnessed. We couldn’t agree more. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us our perfect ceremony,...
by Linda Stuart | Dec 26, 2016 | Marking Milestones
The introductory year of my fifties has proven to be the best and worst all wrapped up in a package that I’m still not sure what to do with. A season of growth and loss, joy and sorrow, 2016 delivered a plethora of gifts to dissect, digest and ultimately accept....
by Linda Stuart | Dec 12, 2016 | Funerals, Death, and Dying, Ritual Moments
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year: Bright lights, cheerful greetings, the jubilant faces of excited children, and tasty treats everywhere you go. It’s a time for family to come together, for friends to celebrate, for treasured heirloom...
by Linda Stuart | Nov 29, 2016 | Funerals, Death, and Dying, Ritual Moments
I sleepily stirred my coffee while attempting to focus my blurry vision on the shards of ice that covered the backyard deck and patio furniture. I stared in disbelief out the window. The calendar said it was still autumn, but my feet, cold and bare on the...